Sunday, May 28, 2006

The NO case ...

Set out below is the NO case delivered to the Returning Officer on 26 May 2006:

It’s OK to say “NO”

1. Water Futures means that the water you drink, cook with, wash your hair and clothes in, coming from all taps, including eating outlets and restaurants, will contain at least 25% water reclaimed from sewage at the Wetalla sewage treatment plant.

2. According to Council’s own consultants this ratio of 25% recycled water is high by international standards and will need detailed review and further studies.

3. Singapore uses less than 1% with similar technology but has the largest desalination plant in Asia for 10% of its daily needs. Nowhere else in the world deliberately drinks water reclaimed from sewage to the degree proposed by Toowoomba.

4. The technology is new and requires more testing. Cooby Dam has been designated by Council as a “living laboratory”.

5. CSIRO’s 3-5 year testing requirement after construction means NO WATER until 2013. What do we do in the meantime?

6. Water Futures will NOT solve current water supply problems. Water restrictions will remain in place or become more severe until rainfall raises the dam levels above 40% capacity.

7. There are no guidelines for drinking recycled water. Queensland Water Recycling Guidelines say “there are many man-made chemicals that potentially may be found in sewage and it is not possible at this time to set safe concentrations for all of these chemicals.”

8. Other Australian governments have rejected the option of deliberately drinking water reclaimed from sewage. NSW Premier Morris Iemma says “There are still unresolved issues with the health authorities” (ABC Radio, 8/05/06). If it is completely safe and routinely done around the world, why won’t Peter Beattie do it to solve Brisbane’s crisis? Why do they get dams?

9. Water Futures will only temporarily defer the need for a new source of water. Water supply in the form of new dams, bores or similar traditional sources will still be essential in the foreseeable future. Let’s do that one now.

10. Water Futures relies on New Hope Coal taking chemical laden wastewater to their Acland Mine.

11. Water Futures reduces water flows down Oakey Creek. Farmers recycle that water for irrigation and are threatening legal action to protect their livelihoods. There may be costs associated with compensation for those farmers adding to the cost and delays of the project.

12. Council hasn’t allowed public debate but has held closed, one-sided information sessions for selected groups. Without full information you would be wise to vote “NO”.

13. The Water Futures project was developed in secrecy. Trust is now missing.

14. Final building costs of Water Futures are not definite. The ongoing operating costs of the plant have not been properly calculated. The $68million costing will blow-out.

15. Water Futures’ main purpose is a demonstration for other cities. $3million has been allocated to build an education and marketing center of no benefit to Toowoomba ratepayers but of benefit to those marketing the technology to other cities.

16. The technology cannot remove all salts and chemicals from sewage. Water going back to Cooby Dam will contain unknown chemicals. It will not be pure.

17. Sewage contains synthetic organic compounds and new chemicals and pharmaceuticals are being developed all the time. How to remove them from water is still being studied. This should be done over a long period BEFORE deciding the water is safe for drinking.

18. Toowoomba shouldn’t have a water supply process that still needs testing. Any water supply for over 100,000 people should use tried and proven methods. We are not guinea pigs.

19. It is possible that demineralised water returning to Cooby Dam will damage that ecosystem. That effect has not been studied.

20. Drinking recycled water is not a generally acceptable thing to do. Toowoomba will be seen as having an inferior water supply by modern standards. This will destroy the clean and green image of the “Garden City” making it unattractive.

21. Businesses, industry, families, retirees and travellers will be discouraged from visiting, investing or living in the “Garden City”.

22. Food processors in Toowoomba will find their products unmarketable to the wider population. Some may leave, causing unemployment.

23. Council has been influenced by a large multinational corporation, CH2M Hill, to adopt Water Futures. CH2M Hill has already been paid over $140,000 for “community education” as well as consultancy fees. They stand to gain from the construction of the project.

24. Premier Beattie has announced an infrastructure fund of $1billion and has decided to build two major dams in south-east Queensland. Emu Creek Dam, near Toowoomba, would nearly double the city’s water storage if it was built.

25. The Government’s underlying report saying the safe yield of our dams has been exceeded has never been published, verified or even seen by Council.

26. Sustainable supplies of underground drinking water in the Condamine alluvium are being ignored by Council.

27. A pipeline from Wivenhoe Dam to Cressbrook Dam, about 33km with about 175m lift is a viable option.

28. Water from natural gas fields is an option already taken up by Dalby and Chinchilla.

29. The closest and most immediate water supply is the Great Artesian Basin.

30. Recycling for non-drinking purposes is part of a safe solution. There are other uses for effluent that are more economic, sustainable and environmentally responsible.

31. The $22 million drink-it-or-lose-it offer from the Federal Government puts unfair pressure on our community to accept a risky water supply option.

32. Why has Council voted itself $460,000 of your money to advertise their case only?

33. Water Futures will mean outdoor water restrictions forever to keep water within the cycle.

34. To deny your natural instinct and adopt untested new technology is foolish.

35. The tragedies of thalidomide, asbestos and mad cow disease were caused by the ignorance of the long term effects of new science.

36. A “NO” vote will ensure all options are properly examined and the safest solution adopted.

37. It’s OK to say “NO”, it is the responsible thing to do.

Authorised by Councillor Keith Beer 34 Cooloola Dr Toowoomba, Cr Graham Barron 28 Navajo St Toowoomba, Cr Lyle Shelton 5 Boulton Tce Toowoomba.


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